This music video production was a collaboration between DJ Wake and Deon Tillman, of Till Infinity Multimedia Artist: Troubled Mal (Troubledmal) Directed by: Deon Tillman (SkoobyD93) & James Wakefield (_DJWake) Chief Editor: James Wakefield (@_DJWake) Malcolm Pickney a.k.a. Troubled Mal is an upcoming Rap artist from Mount Vernon, New York.
This is a visual recap of the night honoring Kevin "Slow Jammin'" James. The KSJJ Crew put together a party honoring him where many of his closest friends as well as fans came to honor him, including his long time friend Donnie Simpson. The event was held above the legendary Ben's Chilli Bowl in Washington DC.
"The larger culture's erasure of black beauty was intimately connected to the destruction of black bodies." - Ta-Nehisi CoatesThis video was shot for the TMA...
A visual recap of the wedding of David and Debra Bardsley. The wedding took place on May 25, 2019 at City Hall in Portsmouth, VA. Song: "This is Why I Love You" - Major Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to the music used in this video.